Do you have a nursery aged child? We have a wonderful resource to share with you, called "Baby's First". There is helpful parenting info in this resource, and well as ways to connect even our youngest children to God. The section called "Watch Me Grow" has infomation on a different developmental milepost each month. Enjoy!
Our preschool kids are studing the story of Joseph. They can really identify with a guy who's experiencing sibling rivalry, jealousy, and anger! As our children sing and listen and play, they'll have the chance to learn about sharing, telling the truth, and forgiving.
Our school-aged kids are in the middle of a study of the character of God.They are learning that God has many names, and that each one gives us a clue about who God is and what He can do. This week, we learned that God is our Peace (Jehovah Shalom). In previous weeks, we've also learned that He is our Provider and Battle Fighter. It is our prayer that as our kids take in these facts about God's character, they will begin to experience His nature within their own lives. The children will be bringing home "Fast Track" each week, a paper that will give you the chance for a more in-depth review, and some ideas for family interaction.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Kids Ministry Update

This will be our last Sunday for our VBS, Power Lab. The kids have just had a wonderful time, and learned more about God’s awesome power that lives in us through Jesus. Thanks to all of our wonderful kids and teachers!
Please remember, we will be having one gathering this Sunday, at 10:00.
On September 7th, we will begin a new curriculum with our school- aged children. Hopefully everyone had a safe and fun summer! If you have any fun vacation stories to share, please feel free to post them!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Weekly Lesson Update June 15th

Lesson Goal: The purpose of this lesson is to teach the ids how to recognize and choose good friends.
Main Point: I Will Choose Good Friends!
Memory Verse: Proverbs 18:24 "There are 'friends' who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."
This weekend in our "Shipwrecked" series we looked at how to recognize and choose good friends. Good friends were important to Paul, as we learned in our Bible story. Paul chose friends who helped him when he needed it, who were loyal, and who were generous with their belongings. In Acts chapters 9, 16, and 18 we saw what kind of friends Paul chose. Friends like Barnabas, who stood up for Paul when the disciples didn't trust him: Timothy and Silas, who stood by Paul in his journeys no matter what happened: and Priscilla and Aquila who shared with Paul everything they had. Paul knew that good friends were very important and that he should be wise in whom he chose to be his friend.
Also this week, Aaron and Jamie helped show the kids what a good friend looks like. By playing out several scenes twice, one showing what a bad friend does and one showing what a good friend does, the kids got to see the difference between being a good friend and being a bad one. Good friend help you when you need it, stand y you no matter what, and are generous.
As parents, it is important to know who your kids friends are. Take the opportunity this week to talk to them about their friends. See what makes them a good friend to others. Make sure they see how important choosing friends is and also how important it is for THEM to be a good friend to others.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Coming Soon................................

Hey everyone! Here is an update on some exciting things that are coming soon!
The New Hope Stewardship team has volunteered to give the Son City Team a month off in July! They will be teaching our kids an awesome curriculum about being wise with their money. It will be a fun and exciting adventure!!!! More information about this will be posted soon.
Also, we are doing something new and exciting for Vacation Bible School this summer. We will spend the month of August running though the five day lesson. We will take one day each Sunday during regular scheduled services (there are 5 in August). We will still be having the same theme and the same exciting program! This is a really cool way to do VBS and we hope the kids will just have a BLAST each week! A perfect way to wind down the summer! We could still use some extra hands, so please see Jeanne or post if you are interested in helping!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
What's up?
Hey Kids! Tell me what's up! We would LOVE to hear what you are doing this summer with your family! Ask your Mom or Dad to post some exciting things that you are up to. Win a soccer game? Go to the beach? Having a picnic? Hope you are having tons of summer fun!!!!!
Weekly Lesson Update June 8th

Lesson Goal: The purpose of this lesson is to teach the children that they should give God the credit for the good things they do.
Main Point: I will Give the Lord the Credit for the Good Things I Do!
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:7b
"What do you have that God hasn't given to you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?"
Our kids learned that it is God who gives them the ability to do good things and God who should get the credit. In our Bible story, Paul and his friend Barnabas went to the town of Lystra where they were telling others about Jesus. While they were there Paul healed a man with crippled feet. The people of the town wanted to worship Paul and Barnaba. But Paul was quick to point out that they were just people, and that God, not Paul, should get the credit and worship for healing the man.
On the island, Aaron and Jamie decided to hold a contest to see who could light a fire first. Aaron used the method of rubbing two sticks together. Jamie tried to bang two rocks together to get a spark. While looking for a good rock, Jamie found a backpack with a match in it. The match had been left behind to help someone who might be on the island later. Jamie used the match to light the fire and then took credit for winning the competition. Aaron had to do a lot of ridiculous things because Jamie won. But, when the fire blew out, Jamie had to confess that it was the person who left the match, not Jamie, who really deserved credit for the fire.
This week, you can talk to your kids about the good things that they do. Have them talk to you about why God gets credit for it. We discussed some things that we can brag about; good grades, a new car, having toys, and we talked about how easy it is to brag. We also talked about why God should be the one to get credit for those things.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Elevate Shipwrecked~ New Children's Curriculum

Our kids are enjoying our new Shipwrecked Curriculum! A journey of discovery through the life of Paul. Trapped on an island they think is deserted, two castaways, Aaron and Jamie, face hunger, weather, sibling rivalry, and the sound of something they can't even see. Will they survive? Will they be rescued? Will they ever learn to get along? Find out as we learn some valuable lessons from the life of Paul.
Check the blog weekly for an update on the lesson! This is a great way to get ideas for talking with your children about what they are learning! Please feel free to post any stories you have in relation to the lesson.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Explaining Easter to Children

Our kids are so looking forward to Easter this year. I am sure your's are too! As we prepare for family, friends, and dinner, we need to consider our chilren's understanding of what Easter is all about. Allow yourself to think about what Jesus endured before He went to the cross. It is painful. We tend to try to skip over that part when it comes to our little ones, and move right to the glory of His Resurrection. Here is a quote from a resource that Jeanne found:
"How do I explain Easter to my children A good starting point is to realize that Easter is bigger than any of us fully understand, so we do not have to know all the answers. No one ever does. Easter is a new life, an empty tomb, forgiveness, resurrection, and more. That is not something to understand. It is a reality we have to grow into. The truth is that we understand very different aspects of Easter better at different times of our lives. Adults respond enthusiastically to the Easter promise of victory over death because we understand the finaity of death. Our youngest children, however, have a hard time grasping the reality, especially the finality of death....for them, the empty tomb is the ultimate victory of the good guys (God, Jesus) over the bad guys (Judas, the high priests, Pilate, the soldiers). On Easter morning, Jesus blasted right out of that tomb and proved once and for all that God is more powerful than even the worst evil that the worst bad guys can inflict. The natural response to that is to celebrate belonging to God, who is the most powerful power there is in the universe!
To our older children...Peter's experiences with Jesus are significant. For Peter, the resurrection happened when Jesus forgave him, welcomed him back as his friend, and put him to work building Gods Kingdom. Such Easter forgiveness is worth celebrating!"
Share the Easter story with your children! Make great memories with your family. Celebrate Gods love for us! Share the struggles that Jesus endured. Let your children understand that when they face hard times in life, Jesus faced them too! That is one of the amazing things that make Jesus a perfect "forever friend" for our kids!
Easter Egg Hunt
Just some information about some upcoming events with the kids!
The Easter Egg Hunt is this Saturday March 22nd at New Hope Church. It is from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. We are planning a very simple event this year, for the kids to relax and enjoy! Parents, please come and enjoy watching your kids have a great time!!!!
Good Friday night, New Hope is planning on viewing the video "The Passion of the Christ" at 7:00 pm. We will have child care available for your little ones, and they will have a chance to watch a movie too! It will be a great night for everyone!
You can post any questions or email them to me or Jeanne. Thanks!!!
The Easter Egg Hunt is this Saturday March 22nd at New Hope Church. It is from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. We are planning a very simple event this year, for the kids to relax and enjoy! Parents, please come and enjoy watching your kids have a great time!!!!
Good Friday night, New Hope is planning on viewing the video "The Passion of the Christ" at 7:00 pm. We will have child care available for your little ones, and they will have a chance to watch a movie too! It will be a great night for everyone!
You can post any questions or email them to me or Jeanne. Thanks!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Easter Cookies (so cool!!!)

Thanks Christine Cammack for this awesome recipe! Check this out and spend some time with your kids the night before Easter! Cookies with a lesson! Cool.
1 Cup Whole Pecans
1 tsp. Vinegar
3 Egg Whites
Pinch of Salt
1 Cup Sugar
Zipper Baggie
wooden spoon
Wax Paper covered Cookie Sheet
Preheat Oven to 300 degrees (this is important-don't wait until you're half way done with the recipe!)
Place pecans in zipper baggie and let kids beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by the Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1-3.
Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. vinegar into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, he was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30.
Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11
Sprinkle a little salt into each kids hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sins. Read Luke 23:27
So far, the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16
Beat with mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until still peaks are formed. Explain that the white color represents the purity of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isa. 1:18 and John 3:1-3.
Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matt. 27:57-60
Put the cookie sheet int he oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matt. 27:65-66.
Go to Bed!
Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22
On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Easter, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb empty. Read Matt. 28:1-9
Share the Easter Cookies and story with friends and family!
Monday, March 10, 2008
March 9th Update

This week, our Bible verse was John 18:1-27. We focused on Peter denying Jesus 3 times. We all fall on our face when we are trying to be more Christlike. No one is perfect. We are so thankful the God forgives us when we seem to fall short. We talked about what Peter was feeling when he denied Jesus. We also talked about the changes in Peters life in the months that followed Jesus' death. We looked at a fictional page out of Peters journal. The kids noticed how Peter changed and became very strong for Christ after Jesus rose again and Holy Spirit came to him and the other disciples.
During out small group time, we partnered up and sat back to back, one of the kids drew a picture, and without telling their partner what they were drawing, they tried to explain to them how to draw what they were drawing. You can imagine that most of the pictures looked nothing like the other! The kids said that it would be a lot easier to draw the same picture if they were able to see the other picture. We talked about how God wants us to love each other as He loves us, and that He sent Jesus to be an example for us. We said, the same as the picture, it is a lot easier to try to live like Christ because we are able to see how He lived and loved.
This week, talk to your kids about Peters denial of Jesus. Talk to them about a time when they feel like they let someone down. Make sure they see how they were forgiven and how God never gives up on us!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Update for weekend 3/2

Sorry that I missed an update. Things have been rather crazy in the McBride household. Our Bible passages this week are John 17:1-11 15-20. We focused the lesson on Jesus' prayer for himself and his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. We learned that Jesus wanted God to be glorified in all that He did, that He wanted us to go into the world and show God's love by our actions, and to be unified in Him and one another. Jesus wanted His disciples to live in the world, but not be affected by it. To help explain this, we made some Italian dressing. We showed the kids that the ingredients help make the dressing whole and each are important, but never truely fuse together. We talked about the fact that when Jesus was praying, He was praying for us too. And all those in the future that follow Him! This week, you can talk with your children about how God sent Jesus here and that He sent us here too. Engage your kids asking them about some things they think that God sent them here for. Give them some ideas that they can do to help our world and our communities.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Weekend Lesson Update 2/17

It is important to talk to our kids about the trinity and about God's Holy Spirit. Sometimes this is the most difficult for the kids to understand, because they cannot see it. This week, discuss with your kids how we can see the Holy Spirit at work within our lives. Ask them if they can feel the Holy Spirit living within themselves. Maybe say a short prayer with them asking God's Holy Spirit to fill us up!
Have an awesome week!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Lesson 2/10

This week we discussed John 15:18-21. Here is a small excerpt of the lesson: "Jesus knew that it was not always easy for His friends, and it was going to get even more difficult. He knew that they would be persecuted for following Him, but encouraged them to live as He taught them, and to spread the word of God's awesome love wherever they went. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to them. He knew that if He told them these things before they actually happened, that it would help them to believe later, and to carry on, as they saw that everything that He had predicted come true." The kids saw a part of the movie "Gospel of John". They got to see all of the scriptures that we have been learning about come to life in the video.
Some discussion questions for this week are.... If you were able to tell Jesus something the night before he died, what would it be? How do you think the disciples felt hearing Jesus tell them He would not be with them on Earth much longer? Our kids were able to write letter to Jesus this week during small group time. Encourage your kids to share with you what they wrote in their letters. They will be going home with the kids soon.
Monday, February 4, 2008
This Weekends Lesson

This past weekends lesson was centered around being and staying connected with God. Here is a sampling from our lesson: Jesus said, “I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me, you will have much fruit, but apart from me you can do nothing”. Jesus wants our lives to produce a lot of fruit for His kingdom here on earth… Good fruit like being kind, generous and faithful. Most of all He wants us to love others as He has loved us. Can we do that on our own? No way! Just as the lamp must be plugged in before its light can shine (Jesus being our power source), and just as the branches must be connected to the vine before they can produce fruit, you and I must stay connected to Jesus to produce the good fruit that God expects of us.
This week, you can discuss with your children, ways that they can feel and stay connected with God. You can also talk about ways that they can help produce fruit for God's Kingdom on Earth.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Kids ask the darndest things!

Anyone who has been around kids, either as a parent, aunt, teacher, friend, whatever, knows that they can ask some seriously challenging questions. Maybe you hadn't had your morning coffee yet or maybe you weren't feeling well, but the answers sometimes seem to not be there. Well, I have definitely been there myself. I came across a great article in Children's Ministry magazine that gives some expert advice on some tough God questions. Here is a sampling of the article:
~"Why does prayer sometimes work and sometimes doesn't?"~
"Teach kids the truth about prayer. It's not a "gimme" list or bargaining chip or quick fix. Prayer is time spent talking with and listening to God" -Kandi Elliot
"Prayer isn't like a Christian rabbit's foot-rub it and get your wish. Prayer is communication with God who sees the big picture in our lives. Sometimes we don't get the answer we want because God knows it wouldn't be good for us. Other times people who aren't following Jesus do things that affect us. God won't make them so the right things. Everyone has the free will to make bad choices, even if we pray that they won't. But we know Jesus is always with us when we walk through difficult, hard, or hurtful places." -Marlene LeFever
~"I have lots of friends who aren't Christians. Is that wrong? Does it make God mad?"~
"We can't be a light to the world if we hang out only with other lights. God wants us to be friends with people who need him so they can see Jesus in us. No matter how small your light is, when you go where there isn't much light, yours will seem bright!" - Karl Bastian
"I think that God is thrilled that you're a great friend. Jesus hung out with people who weren't Christians-and the people loved to hang out with him because he loved them and told them about God. You can be like Jesus too when you hang out with your friends just by loving them and telling them all of the great things you know about God!" -Amy Dolan
I will add some more of these wonderful questions and answers weekly. What do you think about them?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Under Construction
Hey there everyone. As you can see, we are under construction. We will be working on the site hopefully to be completely finished by Feb. 1. As we am going along, please feel free to leave a post if we have missed something, for example, a birthday. I went through all of the registration papers for the birthdays, if you have never filled one out, please see Jeanne Watson. We want to celebrate our kids, but if for any reason, you do not feel comfortable having your childs birthday listed, please let us know and we will not post it. Our desire is to have a very informative and interactive site. I am excited about this journey!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Parents and kids, we'll be continuing to learn together as we begin the second half of the book of John this quarter. Our journals from chapters 1-12 are complete and ready to take home...a great opportunity for some time for you to spend together, as you look back over your entries for the past few months!
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