Monday, March 10, 2008

March 9th Update

This week, our Bible verse was John 18:1-27. We focused on Peter denying Jesus 3 times. We all fall on our face when we are trying to be more Christlike. No one is perfect. We are so thankful the God forgives us when we seem to fall short. We talked about what Peter was feeling when he denied Jesus. We also talked about the changes in Peters life in the months that followed Jesus' death. We looked at a fictional page out of Peters journal. The kids noticed how Peter changed and became very strong for Christ after Jesus rose again and Holy Spirit came to him and the other disciples.

During out small group time, we partnered up and sat back to back, one of the kids drew a picture, and without telling their partner what they were drawing, they tried to explain to them how to draw what they were drawing. You can imagine that most of the pictures looked nothing like the other! The kids said that it would be a lot easier to draw the same picture if they were able to see the other picture. We talked about how God wants us to love each other as He loves us, and that He sent Jesus to be an example for us. We said, the same as the picture, it is a lot easier to try to live like Christ because we are able to see how He lived and loved.

This week, talk to your kids about Peters denial of Jesus. Talk to them about a time when they feel like they let someone down. Make sure they see how they were forgiven and how God never gives up on us!

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