Thursday, March 6, 2008

Update for weekend 3/2

Sorry that I missed an update. Things have been rather crazy in the McBride household. Our Bible passages this week are John 17:1-11 15-20. We focused the lesson on Jesus' prayer for himself and his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. We learned that Jesus wanted God to be glorified in all that He did, that He wanted us to go into the world and show God's love by our actions, and to be unified in Him and one another. Jesus wanted His disciples to live in the world, but not be affected by it. To help explain this, we made some Italian dressing. We showed the kids that the ingredients help make the dressing whole and each are important, but never truely fuse together. We talked about the fact that when Jesus was praying, He was praying for us too. And all those in the future that follow Him! This week, you can talk with your children about how God sent Jesus here and that He sent us here too. Engage your kids asking them about some things they think that God sent them here for. Give them some ideas that they can do to help our world and our communities.

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