Hey everyone! Here is an update on some exciting things that are coming soon!
The New Hope Stewardship team has volunteered to give the Son City Team a month off in July! They will be teaching our kids an awesome curriculum about being wise with their money. It will be a fun and exciting adventure!!!! More information about this will be posted soon.
Also, we are doing something new and exciting for Vacation Bible School this summer. We will spend the month of August running though the five day lesson. We will take one day each Sunday during regular scheduled services (there are 5 in August). We will still be having the same theme and the same exciting program! This is a really cool way to do VBS and we hope the kids will just have a BLAST each week! A perfect way to wind down the summer! We could still use some extra hands, so please see Jeanne or post if you are interested in helping!
Just to clarify...the kids weren't sure...Is VBS gonna happen during service times or is this planned for Sunday evenings?
Hey Missy...Good point. Sorry about that. It will be during regular service times. I will adjust the info on the blog. Thanks again!
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