Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekly Lesson Update June 8th

Lesson Goal: The purpose of this lesson is to teach the children that they should give God the credit for the good things they do.
Main Point: I will Give the Lord the Credit for the Good Things I Do!
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:7b
"What do you have that God hasn't given to you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?"

Our kids learned that it is God who gives them the ability to do good things and God who should get the credit. In our Bible story, Paul and his friend Barnabas went to the town of Lystra where they were telling others about Jesus. While they were there Paul healed a man with crippled feet. The people of the town wanted to worship Paul and Barnaba. But Paul was quick to point out that they were just people, and that God, not Paul, should get the credit and worship for healing the man.

On the island, Aaron and Jamie decided to hold a contest to see who could light a fire first. Aaron used the method of rubbing two sticks together. Jamie tried to bang two rocks together to get a spark. While looking for a good rock, Jamie found a backpack with a match in it. The match had been left behind to help someone who might be on the island later. Jamie used the match to light the fire and then took credit for winning the competition. Aaron had to do a lot of ridiculous things because Jamie won. But, when the fire blew out, Jamie had to confess that it was the person who left the match, not Jamie, who really deserved credit for the fire.

This week, you can talk to your kids about the good things that they do. Have them talk to you about why God gets credit for it. We discussed some things that we can brag about; good grades, a new car, having toys, and we talked about how easy it is to brag. We also talked about why God should be the one to get credit for those things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.