Sunday, September 28, 2008

Currently we're learning...............

Do you have a nursery aged child? We have a wonderful resource to share with you, called "Baby's First". There is helpful parenting info in this resource, and well as ways to connect even our youngest children to God. The section called "Watch Me Grow" has infomation on a different developmental milepost each month. Enjoy!

Our preschool kids are studing the story of Joseph. They can really identify with a guy who's experiencing sibling rivalry, jealousy, and anger! As our children sing and listen and play, they'll have the chance to learn about sharing, telling the truth, and forgiving.

Our school-aged kids are in the middle of a study of the character of God.They are learning that God has many names, and that each one gives us a clue about who God is and what He can do. This week, we learned that God is our Peace (Jehovah Shalom). In previous weeks, we've also learned that He is our Provider and Battle Fighter. It is our prayer that as our kids take in these facts about God's character, they will begin to experience His nature within their own lives. The children will be bringing home "Fast Track" each week, a paper that will give you the chance for a more in-depth review, and some ideas for family interaction.