Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kids ask the darndest things!

Anyone who has been around kids, either as a parent, aunt, teacher, friend, whatever, knows that they can ask some seriously challenging questions. Maybe you hadn't had your morning coffee yet or maybe you weren't feeling well, but the answers sometimes seem to not be there. Well, I have definitely been there myself. I came across a great article in Children's Ministry magazine that gives some expert advice on some tough God questions. Here is a sampling of the article:

~"Why does prayer sometimes work and sometimes doesn't?"~

"Teach kids the truth about prayer. It's not a "gimme" list or bargaining chip or quick fix. Prayer is time spent talking with and listening to God" -Kandi Elliot

"Prayer isn't like a Christian rabbit's foot-rub it and get your wish. Prayer is communication with God who sees the big picture in our lives. Sometimes we don't get the answer we want because God knows it wouldn't be good for us. Other times people who aren't following Jesus do things that affect us. God won't make them so the right things. Everyone has the free will to make bad choices, even if we pray that they won't. But we know Jesus is always with us when we walk through difficult, hard, or hurtful places." -Marlene LeFever

~"I have lots of friends who aren't Christians. Is that wrong? Does it make God mad?"~

"We can't be a light to the world if we hang out only with other lights. God wants us to be friends with people who need him so they can see Jesus in us. No matter how small your light is, when you go where there isn't much light, yours will seem bright!" - Karl Bastian

"I think that God is thrilled that you're a great friend. Jesus hung out with people who weren't Christians-and the people loved to hang out with him because he loved them and told them about God. You can be like Jesus too when you hang out with your friends just by loving them and telling them all of the great things you know about God!" -Amy Dolan

I will add some more of these wonderful questions and answers weekly. What do you think about them?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Under Construction

Hey there everyone. As you can see, we are under construction. We will be working on the site hopefully to be completely finished by Feb. 1. As we am going along, please feel free to leave a post if we have missed something, for example, a birthday. I went through all of the registration papers for the birthdays, if you have never filled one out, please see Jeanne Watson. We want to celebrate our kids, but if for any reason, you do not feel comfortable having your childs birthday listed, please let us know and we will not post it. Our desire is to have a very informative and interactive site. I am excited about this journey!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!
Parents and kids, we'll be continuing to learn together as we begin the second half of the book of John this quarter. Our journals from chapters 1-12 are complete and ready to take home...a great opportunity for some time for you to spend together, as you look back over your entries for the past few months!