Tuesday, August 21, 2007

September Happenings

2nd- one gathering, at 10:00am This will be a special celebration of baptism. We will provide nursery care, Jeanne will bring the preschoolers in for the baptisms, then back to their classroom for their own celebration, and the rest of our kids will remain in our gathering.

9th- Big Idea Sunday! Our kids preschool age and up will join us in the Big Room at the beginning of the gathering, and then will finish the morning in their own areas.

16th- Judy Shipsky's 5th & 6th grade class will begin today, during the 9:30am gathering. Their new space is located directly across the hall from the nursery.

A Great Resource

Want to help your kids learn to manage their money? This book offers great ideas! It's written by Ron & Judy Blue and recommended by Dave Ramsey. I've ordered a copy for New Hope parents...you'll find it soon in our lending library, located in the small group room off the foyer. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

VBS Slideshow

Hey everyone - check out this awesome slideshow from our Vacation Bible School - Avalanche Ranch

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Our preschool children have received an awesome gift of artwork!
Thanks Julie & team for creating these beautiful banners!

Website for Avalanche Ranch at New Hope

Click on link below to register or volunteer for this event:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Avalanche Ranch

Plans are coming along for our Western-theme kid's week. One thing that is needed, though is more volunteers! Are you available the week of July 23rd? We'd love to have your help! If you enjoy seeing our kids have fun, there's a place for you. We need help with food, registration, craft prep, and games. Feel free to call Jeanne at New Hope (330 758-5525, or 330 540-8919, and I'll direct your call to our team leaders.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

School's Out!!

This is the last week of school for many of you. Let's hear some school stories! What's your favorite school memory, kids? Mom and dad, how about you?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kid's Summer Celebration

YeeHaw! Our summer celebration for kids has a western theme this year! Our kids will take a wild ride through God's Word at Avalanche Ranch.

This event will take place in the evenings, from July 23-27. We'll start with dinner at 5:45pm and the evening will end at 8:30pm.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Welcome to the New Hope Kid's Ministry blog. Check back often for news, information and fun!

Miss Jeanne